
The AMDA class was born in 2011, when archaeologists Patrick Severts and Chris Espenshade recognized the need to teach best practices in metal detecting to professional archaeologists. They saw that professional archaeologists were finally accepting that metal detecting was a valuable tool, but there was no good source for instruction in metal detecting. AMDA began as a conference/class hybrid in October 2011 in Helen, Georgia, underwritten by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.

Based on the response to the Helen event, and in conjunction with the new RPA program for certifying continuing professional education classes, the founders of AMDA chose to focus solely on instruction. The founders included Sheldon Skaggs, Garrett Silliman, Patrick Severts, Doug Scott, Terry Powis, and Chris Espenshade. After formalization of the instructor corps and course offerings, AMDA was certified by the RPA. We were proud to be the first continuing education course to receive this important certification.