Advanced Metal Detecting for the Archaeologist (AMDA) will present its 19th class offering on June 14-16, 2024.
Nathan May and the Wyoming State Historic Preservation office are the local partners for this class.
There is one day of classroom training and two days of field practice on an Overland Trail stage station near
Laramie that supports on going research at the site.
AMDA is certified under the Register of Professional Archaeologists continuing professional education
program. The goal of the class is to provide professional archaeologists with an understanding of current
best practices in metal detecting and to provide the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with a variety
of devices from a variety of manufacturers.
The course is offered as 24-credits. There are 8 hours of classroom work and the field portion is 16 hours.
Fees will be $375.00 for 24 credits. The field sessions will contribute to ongoing research at an Overland Trail stage stop and Civil War era
Class size is limited to 25. Registration closes May 10, 2024.
Training location: The AMDA training will be held in Laramie, WY
For more information contact: AMDAinstruction@gmail.com